The cornea is the clear window at the front of the eye which transmits and focuses the light which enters the eye. There are a number of conditions which affect the cornea. Because it is the first surface that light touches when it enters the eye, very small irregularities can result in problems with seeing.
Serious diseases of the cornea include keratoconus, Fuchs’ dystrophy and traumatic scars. All these essentially result in the same problem, blurred vision.
Previously the surgical options for a cloudy cornea have been limited to full thickness corneal transplants (penetrating keratoplasty). Many options are now available to treat these conditions. These include laser treatment (phototherapeutic keratectomy), corneal ring segments and transplants that just remove and replace the damaged tissue. Descemet stripping endothelial transplant (DSEK), descemet membrane endothelial transplant (DMEK) and deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK).
As a fellowship trained corneal transplant surgeon, Dr Cunneen will discuss which treatment is most appropriate for you.
Keratoconus causes progressive thinning of the cornea. This distorts the vision and in advanced cases such as the case shown results in wrinkles of the back surface – Vogt Striae.
If you’re interested in improving your vision, please book a consultation with Dr Tom Cunneen.